Favorite Books

Here is a list of some of our favorite books.
(updated often, so check back!)

Healthy Eating
- Real Food

- Real Food for Mother and Baby

Sleep Training 
- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child 

Child Training
- Hints on Child Training
- Shepherding A Child's Heart 

Baby/Kid Food
-Super Baby Food

- Nourishing Traditions

- Total Money Makeover 
Scott and I (A.K.) read this book. We've always been pretty conscious of finances but this eased any of my worries about becoming a single income family.  I strongly recommend it to anyone.

Green Living
- Healthy Child, Healthy World
Interesting read, has some really good ideas like airing out mattresses before you bring them in the house. The organization keeps up to date information of toxic things in our environment on the website.